-31% One Story a Day

One Story a Day

  • 型 號: 9781926776026
  • 庫存狀態: 有現貨
  • HK$480.00
  • HK$330.00


One Story a Day is a series of 12 books with a total of 365 stories and12 audio CDs, one for each day of the year.  Each book contains one story for each day of the month.  These books are comprised of high-interest topics and motivational content that gets readers excited about reading. Written by professional Canadian writers, the stories are based on small life-lessons that are valuable for any young reader, funny tales of friendship and family, fables and legends from around the world, and stories about nature, science, and history that encourage readers to think.

Suitable for upper primary students to junior secondary students (Non English native, ages 9 – 15)