My Little Book of Questions
- 型 號: 9781772050684
- 庫存狀態: 有現貨
- HK$220.00
Wisdom questions for children
- Does a dog know it is a dog?
- If you had two heads, would that make you smarter?
- Do you believe in always helping others?
- Imagine you are 120 years old. Would you be the same person?
Logic is the muscle of thought. And questioning is the first key to wisdom. The four little books help readers to develop essential logical, creative, ethics and inquiry skills. Each little book contains more than a dozen questions to stimulate creative discussions with suggested answers collected from smart kids in the classrooms. All questions are drawn from The Game of Wisdom <<The most intelligent game since Chess>> (Radio Canada)
Essential Skills Developed |
Analogical reasoning |
Analyzing |
Avoid stereotypes and jumping to conclusions |
Dealing with ambiguity |
Deductive and inductive thinking |
Difference between pleasure and what is right |
Distinguish truth and falsity |
Eliminating alternatives |
Exploring alternatives |
Problem solving |
Reasoning with whole-parts relations |
Reasons why something is right or wrong to do |
About the Author:
George Ghanotakis holds degrees in education and philosophy (B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D) from the University of Toronto. He taught at the University of Victoria and the University of Toronto. He is the founder of the Canadian Institute of Philosophy for Children and served as special consultant for the implementation of thinking skills programs across the curriculum K-12, working closely with school boards, parent association and the Ministers of Education of British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec.
My Little Book of Questions Series consists of 4 books kept in a Smart Bear hanging bag:
- My Little Book of Logic
- My Little Book of Right or Wrong
- My Little Book of Discovery
- My Little Book of Imagination